Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Finally At IIMA

It has been few months I wrote my last blog. I always promised my self that I’ll do it regularly and I guess I don't do it. I'm not going to do it this time (the promise) :-)

Anyway I'm at IIMA, it's been a week. I don't know the speed with which time is moving here. I guess IIMA has a different gravitational force than rest of the world.

Today is one of the sadest days. We had our first surprise quiz and I know I did very very very badly(this could be an understatement). Anyway, hope this is the end of me doing bad.

Doing postmortem
1. I knew fundas
2. I was calm
3. But I just did not read the question or quiz correctly. Got carried away by the words the instructor said (CROSSWORD). It was in no angle a crossword. It was more of a spreadsheet.
4. But anyway my fault I had one of those brain freeze.
5. Lesson learnt - be more prepared on every subject. Do more exercises and be ready for surprises any time of day :-)

Another thing I want to share is IIMA culture is a bit different, open though closed, fast and just fast, fun but serious. I'm loving it and hating it. 9 subjects in 2 months, I better be doing my home work. It ain't kid's play.

Gotta go back and do final touch to our marketing class report (ACCV).

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