Sunday, December 24, 2006

It helps tobe in india who you know

Few days ago, My car was involved in an accident. Driver ran into the accident. I was not in the car and had no knowledge of it for sometime. As soon as i got to know about the accident, I went to the scene with Saurabh. The pic is from his camera.

I was to go to Bhavnagar and Rajkot the same week. The whole of my vacation week was wasted in getting car fixed. Except i got to go see the innovators.

I spent few days getting the quotes. The quote varied widely in price. Guess what?, the range of quotes were Rs.5K, Rs. 8K, Rs. 13K, Rs.25 K and Rs.35K.

The first three quotes were from folks whom I knew. It really helps in India who you know. The information asymmetry here is a big problem. However, if you know some one who knows the way around, life becomes easy.

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