Thursday, October 13, 2005

IIMA It is

It's been a long discussion with few friends, few acquaintances, family members and most importantly myself. I decided to pursue IIMA out of following short listed schools

  1. IIMA
  2. ISB
  3. Wharton
  4. Kellogg
  5. HBS
  6. Columbia
  7. LSB
  8. IMD
The main reason i have mixed bag of schools from Europe, Asia and USA is, I want an international outlook and possibly a job that has international exposure.

Some of them were my backup plans while some of these schools were on my tier 1 list. After a lot of discussions I decided to give IIMA a shot, though reluctant about it's first year i probably did not give the best shot.

I started the application, gave GMAT , waited for my first round (one of the most killing time of my life), got invited for interview, wrote my essays in a week with Bhairavi, Sonu and Anurag helping me edit the essays, preparde presnetaion and finally interview. It was a long road and by sep 12 th i was done and waiting.

The thoughts that were racing my mind during Sep 12 th and Sep 30(date of results) were what if i get in and what if i don't. I prepared myself for both the situations. Outcome was to my happiness, IIMA accpted me.

I'm now prpearing our family move to IIMA from Iselin NJ. It's a lager effort for me to move that inludes selling house, furniture etc and move.

I'm all up for it ... :-) why not it's for IIMA........................ :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so what